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Business Continuity Solutions Can Help Your Remote Workforce Through the Pandemic

By March 31, 2020February 24th, 2021No Comments

By: Tech Electronics

The Coronavirus health crisis has disrupted nearly every aspect of everyday life, and the way that we conduct business is no exception. Many cities and states have introduced stay-home orders, including all of the regions Tech Electronics serves. As a result, we’ve all had  to confront some harsh realities about our preparedness for a remote workforce.

Was your business equipped to have its employees work from home? Can your employees access critical data and applications remotely? Can they communicate effectively with one another and with your customers? Holding out for a day or two with a remote workforce is simple enough, but how long can your business sustain itself under these conditions?

If the answers to these questions are troubling you, Tech Electronics can help. Our experts can provide crucial business continuity solutions to keep you running at a high capacity in these challenging times. Our remote technologies and collaboration tools will help your team communicate and collaborate as effectively from home as they do in the office while allowing your business to remain budget conscious.

Remote Network Access and Security 

Your network enables every aspect of your business to function productively. Without it, your employees might as well be stranded in the wilderness.  If you cannot provide your employees with access to the resources they use to carry out their day-to-day responsibilities, there are only two outcomes:

1.) They cannot do their jobs.

2.) They are forced to use makeshift workarounds using other software and infrastructure.

Option 1 is obviously unacceptable, but option 2 has problems of its own, giving rise to the issue of Shadow IT. Shadow IT refers to IT devices or applications that are used and managed outside of the company’s knowledge and supervision.

Shadow IT not only means that your performance takes a hit, as these makeshift solutions are not optimized for your business’s needs but also introduces huge security risks. No business owner wants essential data and information floating around in unsecured environments.

The solution is to provide your employees with remote network access through a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN functions as an extension of your business’s internal network, allowing secure, application-level access from virtually any device. Leverage personal computers, tablets, or smartphones – whatever it takes to get the job done. Advanced single sign-on authentication and your firewall will keep your business’s assets protected.

Cloud Voice Solutions

If your customers rely on being able to reach you anytime, you can’t afford to be unreachable. If your business relies on traditional telephone lines for office phones, and your employees are at home during this viral outbreak, where does that leave you?

TECHcloud Voice ensures that your employees can be reached anywhere, anytime. A cloud-based Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system allows you to have access to the full features of your telephone system anywhere, anytime, provided you have a Wi-Fi or internet connection. Your “office” phone is no longer tied to the office.

With a quick deployment and a virtual setup process that doesn’t require an on-site technician, new cloud voice services can be set up in a matter of days, instead of weeks. Better still, it allows the user to eliminate costly traditional phone lines, and consolidate multiple bills into one inexpensive monthly fee.

Digital Collaboration Tools

If your business requires employees to collaborate on projects frequently, social distancing introduces an additional burden of difficulty. Trying to communicate complex concepts via email or attempting to hold meetings over the phone can quickly become an exercise in frustration. We know that nothing beats face-to-face, but conferencing applications like Zoom can help keep your employees operating on the same wavelength.

Employees can join meetings using audio and/or HD video from any device, communicate in chat, and present information via screen sharing. As a Zoom Room Certified Integrator, Tech can help you start utilizing it today, and assist you in continuing to draw value from it once things get back to business as usual. We can help enable our customers to effectively collaborate whether in the Conference Rooms, at the Desktop, as well as across remote, virtual, and mobile team members.

A Partner for All Seasons

At Tech Electronics, we understand the difficulties business owners are facing due to COVID-19. We strive to help customers work smarter, feel safer and collaborate more effectively, and we’re aware that those aims are as critical as ever right now. Your customers continue to rely on you through this challenging time, and your business needs a technology partner who understands that. To learn more about how Tech can help you with business continuity, contact us today.

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