Featured Technician:

Darren Carlisle
As a 22-year Tech Electronics veteran, Darren currently manages the largest project Tech has ever taken on– Lambert Airport. Under his guidance, the scope of the project has seen significant growth. While he will humbly tell you the credit goes to his team’s abilities, there is no doubt his fantastic communication skills and extensive experience play a crucial role. Keep reading to hear from Darren about his career as a Technician.
How did you get your start as a Technician?
After getting my associate’s degree in Computer Electronics Technology, I worked as a Bench Technician for ten years. In this role, I worked on component-level repairs, which often included a lot of problem-solving. I began working at Tech in 2000 when a Bench Tech position opened up, and from there, I transitioned to my career as a Service Technician.
What are your current responsibilities as a Service Technician?
I’m in charge of the General Maintenance Contract at Lambert Airport, which includes all their low-voltage communications. We service the fire alarm, card access, camera system, paging, and flight displays. Within 2-4 months, we will also upgrade their entire telephone system.
In your opinion, what makes a great Technician?
The top three things that should hold true for every Technician are dedication to your work, reliability, and the willingness to tackle every project that comes your way.
What is your favorite on the job story?
I serviced the coaches’ headsets from the sideline for the final three years the Rams were in St. Louis. Being solely responsible for their ability to communicate was a lot of pressure, but it was also a lot of fun, and I was able to meet great people and travel all over the U.S.– and even London.
During one away game in Seattle, the whole system went down, and I was scrambling to find the cause of the problem while being screamed at by frantic coaches. It ended up that the circuit breaker had popped, and I needed to move it to a different outlet. When I got the system up and running again, the reaction was terrific– you would’ve thought I was God! While the situation was highly stressful, it ended up being very gratifying.