Featured Technician:

Ron Szakel
Since joining our Indianapolis team two years ago, Ron’s positive attitude, eagerness to help our customers, and desire to learn have significantly impacted our team’s stability. As a result, he is a hot commodity to work with by his fellow Technicians and our customers. Keep reading to hear from Ron about his Technician journey.
What inspired you to become a Technician?
I’ve always been a techy guy, and I knew the electrical industry was booming especially the technology side, so I began searching for careers in this field. I decided to inquire about a local telecommunications apprenticeship, and that’s how it all started. I’ve been very pleased with my career as a Technician and everything it provides for me!
What are your responsibilities as an Operations Technician?
When I’m assigned a job, I complete it start to finish. This includes system install, service, and programing.
In your opinion, what makes a great Technician?
A great Technician needs to have patience, especially when collaborating with customers. It’s essential to take the time to explain our solutions to them, understand what they want, and make sure their needs are met. Patience, work ethic, and dedication also play a crucial role in the installation aspect of the job because of the many curveballs thrown our way.
Tell us about a situation you had to problem solve your way out of
In a make-or-break situation, having a team you can rely on is key. One time, I was working on a complex project that needed to be installed, tested, and functional within a four-day timeline. My co-worker, Jeffrey Hoffman, and I worked together to complete it on time, and the biggest takeaway for me was the importance of having a dedicated, reliable team. It was the craziest 14 hours of my life, but I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.
What is your favorite customer story?
While I was in the process of getting into the systems side of the industry, I was working at a hospital replacing card readers. Throughout my six months there, I built a strong relationship with our hospital contact, Debbie. Fast forward to today, I am married to Debbie’s daughter, which just goes to show the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships.