Featured Technician:

Anthony Gine
Ensuring a successful outcome on virtually every site he touches, lead Technician Anthony Gine has our Denver office in good hands. His attention to detail, extensive technical knowledge, and high-quality results on our most complex systems make him a mentor to his peers and a fan favorite among our customers. From high-rises with smoke control to network system replacements in active healthcare facilities, there’s nothing he can’t do. Keep reading to learn more about Anthony’s journey as a Technician!
What inspired you to become a Technician?
I’m originally from Massachusets, where I attended a vocational high school and was introduced to the electrical industry. During my senior year, I started working for an alarm company and began building my systems knowledge.
What are your responsibilities as an Operations Technician?
When I get on site, I build out the panel we’re working on, put in all the parts, and wire them up. Once the power is turned on, I program the panel and assist the Technicians in determining the controls needed.
In your opinion, what makes you a great Technician?
My curiosity. I always want to learn, figure things out, and understand them– that’s how I’ve always been. If I have to dig for an answer and try a million different solutions, I’ll do that.
Tell us about a situation you had to problem solve your way out of
One time while working on the fire panel for a 15-story building, we had testing scheduled with the fire department, and the panel wasn’t reading the way they required. So in an already stressful situation, I had to have the Electrician run to the top of the building and rewire the panel with new inputs while I changed the programming on the system so the correct warning lights would appear. Doing this in a five-minute timeframe keeps you thinking on your feet!
What is your favorite customer story?
It’s always great working with customers willing to help ensure the project process is smooth, especially when there are obstacles we need to work around. My current project entails switching fire panels for an active hospital. This can be tricky, but the guys we work with are friendly, admirable, and have been a pleasure throughout the process. Another customer that I’ve appreciated is our contact at the Colorado Convention Center. Working around their busy schedule can be difficult, and when we can get in, our time is limited. However, our contact at the site is awesome and ensures we can complete our work thoroughly.