By: Joe Filla, Technology Solutions Manager
No matter what business you’re in, by this point everyone has felt the sting of global supply chain issues and chip shortages. However, few industries (if any) have been hit harder than construction, where backorders mean project delays, and delays mean unhappy customers. And while to some degree, these challenges are an environmental condition that is out of our control, the world doesn’t stop turning out of a sense of empathy and understanding.
Anyone who hoped for a quick resolution has long since realized that a return to normalcy isn’t right around the corner. Worse, as most experts will attest, these logistical challenges are expected to continue well into 2023, and perhaps beyond. So ultimately, being able to deliver on time remains as important as ever, even though it’s never been more difficult.
How is anyone supposed to operate under these conditions? The answer, at least in part, is by forming strategic partnerships with technology providers who are equipped to help address the biggest pain points of the moment.
As a Technology Solutions Manager, a large portion of my role is to develop relationships in the industry and help address the needs of our construction customers. When one of the products specified for a project is backordered by six months or more (an increasingly familiar scenario, of late), we don’t have the luxury of dwelling on the problem. I am expected to provide solutions. In doing so, I try to keep a few key guiding principles in mind:

One of the biggest things that differentiates a true technology partner in these times is the inclination to be more than just an order-taker. Technology providers whose only strength is the ability to be low-bid on an RFP will inevitably find themselves exposed in times like these. I place a great deal of emphasis not only on maintaining open lines of communication (because accessibility and responsiveness should be considered the bare minimum), but also on providing value as a resource. Our relationships and familiarity with architects, engineers, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) allow us to understand, inform, and advise when it comes to product specifications, rather than shrug and simply say “I can’t help with that.”
Staying informed on the latest developments across a wide array of technologies, and continually evaluating partnerships with manufacturers is hard work, there’s no doubt about that. However, the best technology providers maintain relationships with a range of top-end manufacturers, and are in a position to offer product alternatives when shortages cause disruption. How confident are you that your technology provider of choice leaves no stone unturned when it comes to providing options?
One source of comfort in my day-to-day operation is the fact that I’m not hung out to dry if I’m asked a question and the honest answer is “I don’t know.” I have access to a wealth of knowledge from an incredibly talented and qualified stable of engineers, solution designers and other experts. Whether it’s familiarity with code, in-depth understanding of technical specifications, or ideas for tweaking designs in order to help projects go smoothly, I draw confidence from knowing that our institutional knowledge allows our customers to operate from a position of strength. Any technology partner should strive to provide customers with that same assurance in times like these.
So, while the supply chain issues we’ve been facing are far from over, and while some disruptions are bound to continue, that doesn’t mean it’s time to accept compromises in quality. Want to learn more about how Tech can help make your projects a success? Drop me a line today.